Sad to see piece of history leave city
Re: “City sells Eamon’s Camp for $10 after spending thousands to move and store it,” Oct. 7.
I would like to thank the River City Classics Car Club in High River for purchasing the Eamon’s building.
It is unfortunate that Calgary could not preserve and restore it to its original 1950s condition. Calgary’s loss is High River’s gain. It may not be the Lougheed House or the Deane House, but it is nonetheless a piece of history that belonged to Calgary.
If you saved the Cecil Hotel sign, then at least save the Eamon’s sign.
It was 63 years ago that my father my took my mother there and proposed marriage at the cafe with its white linen tablecloths and the vista of the Rockies in the background, and art on the walls by the critically acclaimed Alberta artist Gerda Christoffersen, known for her indigenous paintings.
Nostalgic, yes, but for all the money spent bickering about its fate, $10 was a well spent sum.
Liz Gibbs, Calgary
Internet poses a risk to our children
It is correctly observed that there is a “bubble where people know there’s a problem,” but solutions are elusive.
The laws of the land governing the rights and privileges granted to children and teenagers recognize their limited decision-making ability and experience. The result is that this demographic cannot consume alcohol, sign contracts — the list goes on. The intent is partially to protect young people from themselves.
Why then are we exposing our children to what is arguably one of the most dangerous contemporary adult environments there is, the Internet? This is a failure of parents to recognize this danger, and it is a failure of society to not rein in the commercial aspirations of tech companies who take no responsibility for the harm their products are facilitating for a vulnerable and valuable population.
Mark Botkin, Calgary
Don’t berate city workers for doing their job
Re: “City’s nighttime bylaw enforcers display a lack of common sense,” Chris Nelson, Opinion, Oct. 13.
I’m not sure how to respond to this column about these people on Woodmont Green who parked illegally for years.
We pay workers to enforce our bylaws, which are rules governing daily life in our city. Then we vilify the workers for doing their job and we speak of the people who notified the bylaw agents as if they are terrible betrayers of the group who have parked illegally for years?
Does the writer want a law against these people who turn in bylaw breakers? And how do we punish the bylaw enforcers for doing their job?
I guess the entitled people of this world want to pick the laws that they wish to obey, and rail against being caught breaking the bylaws that the rest of us have to honour or get ticketed.
Beatrice McClaren, Calgary
Let’s see your documentation
Re: “Climate scientists missed the mark,” Letter, Oct. 12.
Brad Bakuska, I like and would like to accept your well-stated argument, but where I work, we need to back up arguments with evidence and references to scientific papers.
Can you please provide these? As is, your argument would fail a first-year university quiz.
Harrie Vredenburg, PhD
Harrie Vredenburg is academic director of the Global Energy Executive MBA and Suncor Chair in Strategy and Sustainability at the Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary.
The West is still suffering
Re: “Justin Trudeau is just like his dad,” Letter, Oct. 6.
It is so true! Many of us lived through Pierre Elliott Trudeau’s time. We definitely recognize similar policies.
Remember FIRA — the Foreign Investment Review Agency used to clamp down on investment into Canada in the 1970s and 1980s? No economic development for Justin’s dad.
The West has been Trudeau’s natural enemy.
Luke K. Chan, Calgary